Paignton Zoo's Great Big Brick Safari

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Website Vision | 1st August, 2020

Lego Brick Safari

We’re excited to finally be able to launch the website for Paignton Zoo’s Great Big Brick Safari today! Originally due to go live back in the Spring, the event was postponed due to COVID-19 so we’ve been patiently waiting to reveal the site to visitors too.

The Brick Safari is a trail of more than 80 life-sized models placed throughout the zoo, ranging from lions to butterflies. Created entirely from LEGO, the trail uses over 1 million bricks and makes a great counterpoint to the zoo’s live inhabitants. Visitors are encouraged to try to find all of the models during their visit; that’s where we come in.

As well as being an advert for the event, with information about the trail and facts about the featured animals, the website also provides a portal for visitors to keep track of which models they’ve found. Each model has a unique reference code and as visitors find each one they can create a login on the website and record it so that they know which models are left. We automatically enter any visitors who manage to find all of the models into a prize draw run by the zoo to win an exclusive prize bundle. Pretty neat, right?

With the trail open to visitors from the 5th we’re looking forward to seeing how visitors get on. If you're planning on visiting you can check the site out at and if you're interested in learning more about the process we followed to get the site ready you can see our case study on our projects page!


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